Many people wake up feeling like they had a good night’s sleep, but they’re often surprised to discover that their muscles are stiff and sore. This is likely a sign that they are unnecessarily stressed out, or they’re overexerting their body. Thankfully, there’s something simple that can help with this problem: grounding bed sheets.
These special grounding bed sheets benefits are made with safe materials certified for indoor use. When they’re used as intended, they can provide a range of health benefits by connecting you to the Earth’s natural electrical field. This process is known as grounding, and it’s a proven way to reduce inflammation, and stress, and improve sleep quality.
How Do Grounding Bed Sheets Work?
There are different ways to ground your bed, and you can choose between a grounding mattress cover or an earthing sheet. These devices are similar to standard sheets, but they’re designed to connect to a wire that runs from the ground port in an outlet near your bed. This wire allows electrons from the Earth to scavenge excess free radicals in your body, which reduces inflammation and relieves pain.
Another option is to get a grounding blanket that’s connected to the same wire. This device is available from several companies, but it’s important to make sure that the material is safe for your skin and that it doesn’t break down easily. For instance, carbon-coated polyurethane is a common material in grounding blankets, and it can be toxic when exposed to moisture. It’s also a poor conductor of electricity and may cause you to feel shocked when touched.